Amigos, asistan al Teatro Isauro Martínez el día 3 de diciembre a las 7 pm y vean con nosotros la pastorela "Felipe de la vida".
Una historia que se deriva del género Pastoril, del teatro evangelizador. Obra que manifiesta la eterna lucha del bien contra el mal, pastores que representan al pueblo sometido por las autoridades que no los ayudan. A pesar de eso resuelven su vida con alegría y fe. Representa la lucha del diablo para sacarlos del buen camino con trampas y engaños en base a los pecados capitales.
Wednesday November 26th, 2008
Pastorela "Felipe de la Vida"
Hey Friends, go to the Theater Isauro Martínez on December 3 at 7 p.m and see with us the pastorela "Felipe de la vida".
A story that stems from the Pastoral genre, of the evangelizing theater. Work that demonstrates the eternal fight of the good against the evil, shepherds who represent the people submitted by the authorities that they do not help. Despite of it they solve their life with happiness and faith. It represents the fight of the devil to move away them of the good way with traps and deceptions on with the cardinal sins.
A story that stems from the Pastoral genre, of the evangelizing theater. Work that demonstrates the eternal fight of the good against the evil, shepherds who represent the people submitted by the authorities that they do not help. Despite of it they solve their life with happiness and faith. It represents the fight of the devil to move away them of the good way with traps and deceptions on with the cardinal sins.